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MODA Response to False Claims Regarding Actions Against Creative Private Room Forum

In response to media reports about the Ministry of Digital Affairs’ (MODA) measures to stop DNS resolution for the Creative Private Room forum, the following clarification is provided:

MODA explains that using the DNS RPZ mechanism to stop resolving domains forcefully is a joint countermeasure targeting domestic Internet service providers. It is one of the effective means to block the spread of criminal information and harmful content quickly. MODA continues to actively coordinate with the National Communications Commission (NCC) to get cable TV and other internet access service providers (IASPs) involved in the DNS RPZ mechanism and will promptly invite relevant government agencies and the Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) to discuss measures to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the DNS RPZ.

MODA states that on April 10 and April 26, 2024, the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) requested IASPs to immediately enforce the cessation of domain resolution for the Creative Private Room forum following the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act, the Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act, and the Administrative Execution Act, After the MOHW’s request, TWNIC assisted by coordinating with IASPs participating in the DNS RPZ self-regulation mechanism to stop resolving the domain names associated with the website.

The DNS RPZ mechanism works through participating IASPs to block their users from connecting to these foreign websites. However, removing these illegal foreign websites' databases or website content requires cross-border judicial assistance. MODA will actively provide information on relevant internet connections to judicial and investigative agencies.

For IASPs that have not yet joined the DNS RPZ mechanism, MODA has coordinated with the MOHW to ensure they are informed to handle and block domain resolutions in accordance with the law. Meanwhile, MODA continues to coordinate with the NCC to request cable TV and other IASPs join this mechanism.

Cybercrime is characterized by its cross-border nature, anonymity, and rapid dissemination. Although DNS RPZ cannot wholly block specific malicious websites, it remains an effective tool for preventing the rapid spread of harmful content. Therefore, maintaining the DNS RPZ’s rapid website blocking mechanism has its value. Government agencies must act per the law. MODA will continue to cooperate with relevant ministries to continuously improve technologies and measures for blocking and removing internet criminal information and harmful content.

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